Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I may not win you over with a single phrase
But I don't want to spend every word trying to find a mate
And most of what I say is rather fake
Somewhere along this train of thought a sentence I create
Eventually a little bit of sense I might make
Then maybe a little bit more serious, you could take me
If that day comes I'll do my best to keep from falling awake
Mostly  for my sanity's sake
Cuz it has been a while since I could sit back and simply contemplate
all of the wonderful things in this world that trip you up on your run to home base
Like sitting in a tree's shade, or a flowery vase, or her beautiful face
Actually, it's this whole damn place
it is really good at distracting you from  this race
even though it's more like a slow-mo run to your Lover's embrace
God is always willing to put more on his plate
Yes this did just turn into a spiritual statement
His unconditionally Holy Love is more than impossible to sate
So after all these words, I would like to know if you would go out on a date
I have been saving up and I have enough confidence to shake
these inhibitions, but I know that it is too late
to the next poor fool you have taken your gaze
and now I'm standing here wondering if it's just fate
I don't know for sure and I'm not one to speculate
Instead I will try to find a way to clean my slate
But I always tend to bite on this world's bait
Unfortunate cuz I don't want to get stuck in this world's reign 
I'd rather chill forever with He who is the only truly ordained
We humans try but it is all in vain
Even at our best we will never be the same
Not to discourage you from doing all you can to attain
that perfection that only He can portray 
Within this fickle human body such greatness can not be contained
All this writing and I still don't know what I am trying to convey
I'm just happy that these April showers are finally bringing the flowers from May
I am sure it's obvious now that I have nothing left to say
Nor do I have anything right to say
So I'll say something wrong again and again
until I finally lay my head down to rest
the only thing guaranteed is a past to forget, 
this moment is only waiting in line to jump out of your mind to find 
a small taste of freedom, there it goes making room for a future 
that has a higher chance of losing itself to this world's entropy than it does finding itself
amid your past awkwardly standing silently shuffling its shoes avoiding
as many eyes as possible, holding on to the last shreds of itself in its jacket pockets

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