Sunday, May 26, 2013

watchyo neck

everyone has a then
and it left some sand in their shoes
it is a then though, they may carry it everywhere they go
but every moment is a new chance to empty your soles
to walk free
and treating someone as if they are still back in that battle
won't ever help them get clear of the fire

alphabets and starry nights


come over here
you're cuter when you're next to me

They tellin me about stages and bases
but all I want is to look into your face
as you tell me all about your day
I'm so tired of these games
I don't see why it must be a race
when it should be like a vacation
wastin time takin it slow, I don't just want to taste it
I want you as my home, a girl I can call my own
not a lease or a loan
not just a simple night to make you moan
rather every night spent growin
in you in me in us


oh why why why
must I be
this high and dry
you left me to find
       my own right
but I'm too shy
and my heart forgot
          how to cry
since it swallowed all my lies
inside all that I write


it could have been a 7
could have been a 6
could have been a 3
could have been a king
it could have been a jack
it could have been anything
so just continue being you
so that I can be me
just another puzzle piece lookin for his queen
floating on this coffee table
slowly getting made
into this fabled perfection
but we lost the box
just gonna make our own reflection
droppin pebbles to break the tension
rippling my image to hide my dread

Saturday, May 25, 2013

yetam ray

I am somewhere
peering over the hedge of this moment
looking for the next now I was told about
I've never seen it, I'm always busy looking
spending the present just trying to feel a future coming

Monday, May 20, 2013


floating thinking being something
taking meaning and giving you the rest
of this sentence I left out in the rain to write til I'm right as precipitation 
falling down into this uphill battle we've been waging since your memories were less hazy
but they just forgot the directions is all, give em a call and I'm sure they are on their way
left right left right left, marchin to a beat, winding through the streets as if today were still around
though its astray because you never let it go, got to have your edges straight and your insides shut away
cuz the bait, its on the end of my hook, not at the end of this book you've been judgin from cover to cover 
like one day you might see the lines for what they have been trying to be
but you won't open your mind to perceive
so the lines will never bleed for you
keep your eyes where you've seen, there is no after, just this before that

get back
to your dreams, cuz the scenes will only meld if they are complete
like rainbows and waterfalls, we will never find the end
just let it start before the circle finds its seat 
spittin wads of chewed up trees
to remind you that this
is me
and you
have to wake up
or else your dreams won't ever be dreams 

unprepared are I

I'm always in battle
between wanting to talk to you
and not wanting to ruin it
cuz when I speak to you
I lose all of my I.Q.
looking into your eyes erases any of the shrewdness I have accrued throughout my youth
I don't want to be witty
if it means avoiding your sticky gaze
rather be a dunce, rather be dim
sittin before you drool forming at my lips
dripping down through this conversation
leaving before I make a fool of myself
but I am a fool, so it's better you found out now
folly is all I know
it is awful, but I will be jolly until my downfall
as long as your eyes don't run away
though even then I wouldn't blame them
I am pretty sure I am crazy
I know this cuz I don't feel like changing
I'll be off my rocker til I'm pushin up daisies

yar matey

Underneath this thick skin is just a little kid
that I only notice in the puddles along the street
punching light back into the sky
back into my eyes
and all I do is run
problems, people, future
all I do is hide
from the solutions
from their eyes
and from tomorrow
All I want is Christ
but I never show it
in these mini lifetimes spent lost in waves of conversing
All I need is Christ
and I know this
yet I still fall over
All He does is pick me up
even though I am but a boulder in an ocean


looking for some rest at rock