Monday, October 28, 2013

loohcs ta yadoT

Today at school I saw a man fold into a chair
right before my lies fibbed about the weather
it was like he never read the instruction manual
it was like he thought clouds always meant rain
but sometimes they're here just to give some shade
and sometimes it is better to endure the pain
cuz even when the days fade away
your life still manages to stay awake
and even when blue skies fade to grey
light still manages to find its way into our brain

today at school I saw a boy fold into the puddle I was staring into
trying to avoid any spare eye contact left in the lost and found
cuz I've found that losing doesn't always mean loss
it is interesting the things you can find
when we carry on without the things we think we need

but I'm too scared to look
I don't know what I need, because I don't know what I need
and I don't remember what I want
I'm too worried about what I lost
too worried about what I could lose if I chose to pursue
rather I just sit and stare at small pools reflecting lives that forget to reflect back

today at school I saw myself ripple into the last drops of rain the sky could sqeeze
right before my eyes became the puddle's best attempt at identity
like it never learned how to look at itself
like it never thought the clouds would run out


  1. This is such a masterpiece! The way you squish your thoughts into words is lovely.

    1. haha thank you, I quite enjoy that "squish your thoughts into words" hah
